Smart medicine box –
peace of mind for a loved one,
strong health for the elderly!
Taking medication correctly is important, as incorrect use can cause unwanted side effects and serious health problems.
Now taking care of your loved one has become even easier – his health and independence, your peace of mind!
The medication box is a home medication management service that reminds your loved one to take medication and keeps you informed of the correctness of following their medication regimen and also their progress.
The advantages of the home sensor medicine box are:
-Monitoring and notifications in real-time (in the event that a loved one has not taken the medication or the medication is about to run out of the box, you will receive a corresponding notification),
-Very simple system, with one push of a button, the box dispenses the necessary medicines
-Blinking and audio signals, i.e. taking any medicine, will no longer be forgotten
-Medicine supply for 28+ days
– Medicines can be packaged in environmentally friendly discs
-Elegant design that does not disturb the eye and fits into any interior.

It’s time to take a medicine!

The medicine is dropped

Take the glass with medicine

A rental medicine box with disks filled with medicines and the possibility of monitoring the course of treatment.
A personal medication box with refillable discs with the possibility of monitoring the course of treatment.